Search in The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

Showing result 1–17 of 17 for «Antisemitic Violence in Europe, 2005-2015»

antisemitic-and-anti-israel-attitudes.-1.5pkt.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

by antisemitic feelings. In 2005, the ADL asked about the connection between the perception of Israeli actions and attitudes toward Jews. First, the...

antisemitic-and-anti-israel-attitudes.-1.5pkt.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

at a definition of what is meant by antisemitism. 23 In 2005, the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) developed a “Working...

antisemitic-and-anti-israel-attitudes.-1.5pkt.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

by antisemitic feelings. In 2005, the ADL asked about the connection between the perception of Israeli actions and attitudes toward Jews. First, the...

antisemitic-and-anti-israel-attitudes.-1.5pkt.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

by antisemitic feelings. In 2005, the ADL asked about the connection between the perception of Israeli actions and attitudes toward Jews. First, the...

attitudes-towards-jews-and-muslims-in-norway-2017.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

published by Günther Jikeli (2015) shows that antisemitic attitudes in many European countries are more widespread in Muslim minority populations than in...

attitudes-towards-jews-and-muslims-in-norway-2022.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

Jews was a major contributory factor to the emergence of an anti-antisemitic norm in Norway and the rest of Europe after World War II. References to the...

attitudes-towards-jews-and-muslims-in-norway-2022.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

Jews was a major contributory factor to the emergence of an anti-antisemitic norm in Norway and the rest of Europe after World War II. References to the...

hl-senteret_holdninger_til_joder_og_muslimer_web.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

finding, one of which is that it reflects how antisemitic notions are revived in periods of political, economic and social unrest. In total, 9.3 per cent of...

cv-christhard-hoffmann-en.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

University: Center for Research in Antisemitism) 1986 Fields of research German and European History (1780–2000) History of antisemitism, xenophobia and racism...

cv-werner-bergmann-en.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

Violence. Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2002 (co-editors Christhard Hoffmann and Helmut W. Smith...

davidsen_master.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

is that there are associations to more explicit antisemitic ideas in the comment sections. To summarise, this thesis touches upon several current...

2017_hl-report_digital_8mai_full.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

published by Günther Jikeli (2015) shows that antisemitic attitudes in many European countries are more widespread in Muslim minority populations than in...

cv-werner-bergmann-en.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

Violence. Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2002 (co-editors Christhard Hoffmann and Helmut W. Smith...

cv-christhard-hoffmann-en.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

: Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History. Ann Arbor (Michigan University Press) 2002 (=Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany) [with Werner...

davidsen_master.pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

is that there are associations to more explicit antisemitic ideas in the comment sections. To summarise, this thesis touches upon several current...

hl-rapport_29mai-web-(2).pdf - Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter

attacks on Jews in Europe. A similar decrease in support for conventional antisemitic statements has been obser- ved in other European countries in recent...

opinion-poll-2017-english.pdf - The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

published by Günther Jikeli (2015) shows that antisemitic attitudes in many European countries are more widespread in Muslim minority populations than in...