Justice Denied - Coming to Terms with History in Post-Conflict Societies

As we mark the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, this conference draws lessons from contemporary and historical cases, and explores the long-term consequences of limited, delayed or denied justice.


Kvinne med sjal står foran et minnesmerke med navn på ofre for Srebrenica massakren i 1995



Foto: David Bathgate/Corbis via Getty Images

In particular, the conference will examine how denial of justice influences post-conflict politics and how historical injustices affect societies for decades or even centuries after the crimes had been committed. We will discuss the link between accountability and prevention of future conflict and atrocities, and whether the ICC can fill some of the accountability gaps so often seen after war and atrocities. 

Registration is required.



9.15: Welcome



Keynote address:

Cecilie Hellestveit: The Role of Law during and after the War in Ukraine


Session I: The legacy of limited, delayed or denied justice after communist atrocities


Daniel Leese (University of Freiburg, Germany)                                                                 

            The Chinese Communist Party's Politics of Historical Justice in Perspective

Nanci Adler (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)                                                    

Justice Delayed Became Justice Denied: The Liquidation of the Russian Human Rights and Historical Society, Memorial

Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier University Nova Scotia, Canada)

The Unfulfilled Promise of Lustration in Central and Eastern Europe


Session II: Justice and justice gaps after civil war


Gyda M. Sindre (Univeristy of York, UK)

            Demands for Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka

Jemima García-Godos (University of Oslo)                                                              

Seeking Justice for Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia: In Search of Balance Between Trials and Amnesties

Idun Tvedt (Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

 Justice in Peace Negotiations

Roland Kostič (University of Uppsala, Sweden)                                                                     

A Kind of Justice: Victim-Based Perspectives on Justice and Reconciliation after Testifying at International and Hybrid Tribunals


Session III: Accountability gaps 20 years after the Rome Statute


Martin Mennecke (University of Southern Denmark)

            Can ICC Address the Impunity Gaps in Ongoing Conflicts?

Khanyisela Moyo, (Ulster University)  

Decolonising Transitional Justice: A critique of the African Union Transitional Justice Policy

Cynthia M. Horne (Western Washington University)

Time and Transitional Justice:  When is Too Late and What is Too Long? 

16.15-16.30: Wrap up

Publisert 1. sep. 2022 09:18 - Sist endret 30. mai 2023 09:53

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