Present pasts: Historical narratives, Holocaust memory and antisemitic discourse in the Balkans

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Foto: Jasenovac memorial site. Photograph: Tomislav Medak (license CC BY 2.0)

The conference "Present Pasts" at the Norwegian Centre for Holocaust and Minority Studies in Oslo gathers international scholars to discuss the impact of historical narratives, Holocaust memory and antisemitic discourse in the Balkans today. How are the historical narratives about Jews and the Holocaust in the Balkans intertwined with nation building ideologies, and global trends today? What are the effects of the wars in the 1990s and what are the processes that have encouraged new waves of antisemitism? The conference is part of a three-year project on minority protection and mass atrocity prevention funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Publisert 21. juni 2022 08:37 - Sist endret 30. mai 2023 09:53

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