Conference: Giving Voice to the Unspeakable

The Norwegian Holocaust Center and POLIN Musum of the History of Polish Jews, are taking a closer look at how artistic expressions and interventions are used as a communicative tool to promote human rights or tell unacknowledged or hidden histories.

Illustrasjonen viser en gruppe mennesker med åpen munn, samt tittelen på konferansen.


The seminar takes place only weeks following the demonstration protesting the Norwegian Government’s neglection to remove wind turbines built on reindeer pastures that have been ruled by the Supreme court to be in violation of Sami human rights. From artistic projects examining the “nameless knowledge” of the coastal Sami culture to the complex process of establishing public memorials, this seminar will give a glimpse into a field where art, human rights, history, anthropology, education, museum practices, and curatorial strategies immerge.

The seminar will offer insight into, and discussions on, ongoing projects such as mapping Black Oslo, artistic activism, highlighting the plight of refugees on the border between Belarus and Poland, audience participation in pro-democracy art camps, to conversations with Ukrainian artists interweaving activistic work and artistic practices. See the program.


Co-creating a work of art

During the days of the seminar, participants will be invited to engage in co-creating a work of art in response to the topics touched upon during presentations and discussions. This “mini-intervention” will be led by artist Monika Drużyńska and Ewa Chomicka, manager of Museum Practices Lab, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.


Perfomance and artist talk by Vuyo

Another highlight of the seminar will be a performance and artist talk by Zimbabwe-born, Norway-based rapper, singer, and producer Vuyo, who’s album  Dialogue (2021), is motivated by a response to what the artist sees as an increasingly polarized world where his album might steer the conversation in a more peaceful direction: “You can only educate people—you can’t change them—so try and talk to them, because dialogue is needed.”


Join us!

We invite you to join us in a highly relevant and engaging exploration of the potentials of addressing human rights thought artistic interventions in the upcoming seminar Giving Voice to the Unspeakable: Artistic Interventions in Holocaust and Human Rights Museums in Norway and Poland.

See the complete program.


The conference is free of charge, but registration is required (see below).



Emneord: Artistic interventions, artistic expressions
Publisert 1. feb. 2023 13:29 - Sist endret 30. mai 2023 09:53

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