Norwegian version of this page

Statutes for The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies

Articles of Association for the Center for studies of Holocaust and Minorities. Adopted by the University of Oslo the 27 March 2001 with amendments adopted on 21 January 2003 and amendment adopted by the Vice-Chancellor 16 November 2005.

Articles of Association for the Center for studies of Holocaust and Minorities.

Adopted by the University of Oslo the 27 March 2001 with amendments adopted on 21 January 2003 and amendment adopted by the Vice-Chancellor 16 November 2005.

§1 Establishment
The foundation, The Center for studies of Holocaust and Minorities, is established as a consequence of the historical and moral settlement related to the handling in Norway of the financial liquidation of the Jewish minority during the Second World War, ref NOU 1997:22 – Confiscation of Jewish property in Norway during the Second World War, specially part III and IV.2, St prp 82 (1997-98) – A historical and moral settlement related to the handling in Norway of the financial liquidation of the Jewish  minority during the Second World War, Innst S nr108 (1998-99) – Recommendation from the Legal Affairs Committee concerning the historical and moral settlement of the handling in Norway of the financial liquidation of the Jewish minority during the Second World War together with letter from the Ministry Church,Education and Research Affairs to the University of Oslo of 29/03/99 concerning the following up of St prp 82 (1997-98) – Establishment of a Centre for studies of Holocaust and Minorities position in Norway.

§2 Aim
The Norwegian Center for studies of Holocaust and religious Minorities is a research and education centre which builds its activities on two pillars.

The main pillar of the Center is to carry out research and education about the Holocaust. The activities shall specially be connected to the Norwegian chapter in the history of Holocaust. The Centre shall also study the history of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism today and in the future, both in Norway and in the rest of Europe. Based on the knowledge these studies will bring forward the Center shall carry out research related to genocide and similar breaches of human rights. The Center shall also study the human reactions of the victims and their survivors to such injustices.

The second pillar of the Center is the studies of religious minorities. The activities of the Center shall focus on the conditions of minorities in Norway, historically and in the present, together with their role in a multicultural society.

The educational activities conducted by the Center shall consist of programmes for schools , universities and postgraduate colleges and the Norwegian society in general.  The activities, which shall also have a preventive objective, shall cover information and education about Holocaust and massive breaches of human rights. The Center shall provide knowledge through the establishment and running of a permanent Holocaust museum with connected archives, library and audiovisual services. The documentary and library functions shall also service the other research activities of the Center.

§3 Relations to the University of Oslo
The Center is an independent legal and financial entity. Financial liability based on the activities of the Foundation can only be made against the Foundation.

Relations between the Center and the University of Oslo shall be governed through a frame agreement which shall define reciprocal rights and obligations. The frame agreement and amendments to this shall be approved by the Ministry of Education.

The annual report of the Foundation, ref. §11, shall be submitted to the Board of the University of Oslo. Remuneration to the board of the Centre shall be identified in the annual report.

§4 Cooperation with other institutions
The Foundation shall establish cooperation with Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and the Jewish Museum in Trondheim, and in addition with other institutions nationally or internationally to the extent such cooperation will contribute to the furthering of the aim of the Foundation.

§5 The capital and financing of the Foundation
The Foundation has at its establishment a founding capital of NOK 40 million. The capital of the Foundation consists of the founding capital and any additional capital.  The real value of the founding capital shall be aimed to be maintained.

The running costs of the foundation shall be covered by the return on the founding capital and additional capital, through payment for tasks from private or public principals, public grants and gifts. In extraordinary cases the whole of the annual return can be used.  If in one or several years less than the return is used than what may be used according to the above then such surplus may be used in later years.1

§6 The Board
The Board consists of 9 members with personal substitutes, of which one member with substitute is appointed by the Ministry of Education and one member with substitute is elected by and amongst the employees. The remaining are appointed as follows:

  1. 2 members with substitutes after nomination from The Mosiac Community in Oslo,
  2. 1 member with substitute after nomination from The Mosiac Community in Trondheim,
  3. 1 member with substitute after nomination from The Cooperation Committee for Belief and Life values,
  4. 3 members with substitutes after nomination from the Director of the University of Oslo.

The representative for the employees is elected for a period of three years. The other members are appointed for a period of three years. The first time, 4 of the board members/substitutes shall be appointed for 2 years. No one can be board member for more than 9 years continuously.  The board elects itself its chairman and vice chairman.  Should there not be a majority for the election of chairman then the chairman shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Oslo.

The Board is summoned by the chairman. Each board member and the director of the Centre, ref §7, may demand that a board meeting is convened. The necessary quorum for the board  is when minimum 5 members including chairman and vice chairman are present. Decisions of the board are adopted by ordinary majority. In case of a draw then the decision of the chairman, or in the event, of the vice chairman shall rule. The board can establish working groups.

Substitutes who are present as representatives for their respective members may participate in board meetings but without voting rights.

The board is the highest body of the foundation and has the highest responsibility for the activities to the extent authority has not been given to the Director ref §7, The board is responsible for ensuing that the aim of the Foundation is accomplished.. The board shall specially:

  1. adopt the strategic plan and annual plan of the Center
  2. appoint the Director and decide remuneration and other employment conditions for the position including the drawing up of instructions for the position,
  3. make appointments and determine remuneration and other employment conditions for other positions if authority for this has not been given to the Director,
  4. to manage the assets of the Foundation,ref§10,
  5. to ensure that the management of assets and financial reports, ref§11, are under satisfactory control,
  6. to recommend any change of the Foundation,
  7. to appoint the auditor of the Foundation.

The board can establish separate task forces with outside representatives such as research groups and a museum group.

Remuneration to board members shall be decided by the board of the University of Oslo on recommendation from the Director of the University.

§7 Managing Director
The running management of the Foundation shall be carried out by the director according to instructions issued by the board. The director is responsible that the activities of the Center are carried out according to these articles and those decisions made by the board.

The director takes part in meetings of the board and the council without voting rights. He/her is responsible for taking the minutes of board meetings.

§8 Publication of research activities
All research which is carried out by the Foundation shall be public.

§9 Authority to represent the Foundation
The board has power of external authority of the Foundation. The board can give two board members or one board member and the director jointly power of external representation.

The director can always represent the Foundation externally in matters concerning the daily running of the Foundation.

§10 Asset management
The assets of the Foundation, to the extent that they are not distributed shall  be invested so that security is taken care of  in an acceptable manner and so that the return is satisfactory for the carrying out of the aim of the Foundation.

§11 Annual report
A complete annual report shall be carried out and an annual report with profit and loss statement, balance sheet and the report of the board shall be submitted. The annual report shall follow the calendar year and the report shall be based on the accounting act and generally accepted accounting rules.

§12 Transformation
The board of the University of Oslo may amend the articles following recommendation from the board.  Amendments to the articles shall be approved by the Mosiac Communities in Oslo and Trondheim.

Changes in the aim, winding up of the Foundation, partitioning, merging with others and other amendments of substantial importance of the articles shall in addition be approved by the Ministry of Education.

If the Foundation should be liquidated then the remaining assets shall be transferred to the registered Mosiac Communities in Norway according to terms and conditions decided by the Ministry of Education.  It is understood that the means shall be used in accordance with the aim of the Foundation, ref§2 Aim.

§13 Ministry and Auditor General control authority
The Ministry of Education and the Auditor General are authorised to carry out controls to ensure that the means of the Foundation are utilised in accordance with the aim of the Foundation.

1 Surplus is understood to be the difference between the founding capital adjusted according to the SSB consumer price index and the equity of the Foundation as shown in the annual report for the relevant year.


Published June 14, 2023 10:08 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2023 11:24 AM