Norwegian version of this page

The Norwegian Holocaust Center's mission

The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies was established in 2001 as part of a collective settlement related to the annihilation of 230 Jewish families and Jewish institutions during World War II. 40 million NOK of the settlement, totaling 250 million Norwegian kroner, was allocated for the establishment and operation of a competence center for the study of the Holocaust and the position of religious minorities in Norway.

Research and education

The Norwegian Parliament requested the Ministry of Church Affairs, Education, and Research to establish a politically and ideologically neutral competence center for the religious minorities present in Norway, cf. Proposition No. 82 (1997-98). Based on this, the University of Oslo was tasked with establishing The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (The Norwegian Holocaust Center). The center was founded in 2001 as a foundation with its own board and full academic freedom. The Norwegian Holocaust Center has a standing cooperation agreement with the University of Oslo, involving teaching and participation in research projects. Additionally, the center collaborates with institutions in many countries worldwide.

The mandate of The Norwegian Holocaust Center is to research and educate on topics related to Holocaust, genocide, racism, antisemitism, and the conditions of minorities in modern societies. The center houses a permanent exhibition on Holocaust, a bunker from 1942, and currently two temporary exhibitions: In/Visible - Everyday Racism in Norway and Unfinished Lives. Each year, The Norwegian Holocaust Center welcomes approximately 50,000 visitors, including about 10,000 students and teachers, who receive educational programs and guided tours. The center also organizes various events throughout the year and hosts the national commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 at Akershuskaia in Oslo.


Published June 14, 2023 10:08 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2024 9:36 AM