Norwegian version of this page

Attitude survey 2017 (completed)

Between 2015 and 2017, the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-Center) conducted a follow-up of the aurvey “Antisemitism in Norway?  The Norwegian population’s attitudes to Jews and other minorities” (2012). Repeating this same survey has made it possible to track how attitudes develop over time. The new survey has been extended to cover attitudes to Muslims, as well as a separate survey of the attitudes and experiences of Jews and Muslims.

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About the project

The results of the first survey showed widespread negative attitudes towards Muslims. The survey in 2017 therefore included a separate section specifically on Islamophobia. Also new in 2017 is a separate survey of attitudes and experineces among Jews and Muslims. This minority survey covers the same topics as the survey among the general population, but digs deeper into the personal experiences minorities have of living in Norway. In addition to the statistical surveys, group interviews have been conducted with Jewish and Muslim respondents.

The Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion commissioned the HL-Center to conduct the poll after the project was put out to tender in 2015. The polls have been funded by five government ministries: the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion; the Ministry of Justice and Public Security; the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation; the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The data was collected by Kantar TNS from 11 January to 6 April 2017. The group interviews were conducted in the period from May 2016 to May 2017.



Tags: Jewish, Opinion polls, antisemitism
Published June 14, 2023 10:08 AM - Last modified May 29, 2024 10:13 AM