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New Religious Anxieties. Conspiracy theories and prejudices against religious minorities (completed)

This project was the result of a partnership between the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies and the University of Oslo’s Center for Research on Extremism (C-Rex). The objective of the study was to expose how right-wing extremist ideology and conspiracy theories circulate within a selection of online communities in the far-right landscape. Particular emphasis was placed on the link between religious minorities and conspiracy theories relating to them. 

Cover of the report Høyreekstremisme i Norge. Utviklingstrekk, konspirasjonsteorier og forebyggingsstrategier [Right-Wing Extremism in Norway. Development trends, conspiracy theories and preventive strategies], Bjørgo, Tore (Ed.), report in PHS Forskning 2018:4, 2018 

Communities in the far-right landscape rarely express an explicit form of biologically based racism. Racism is nevertheless a core element in these groups’ discourse and world view.  How is racism expressed and what kind of hostile images circulate? What patterns do we find in the posts of Facebook groups in this ideological landscape, and what place do conspiracy theories have? 


  • Døving, Cora Alexa and Terje Emberland: Bringing the Enemy Closer to Home: Conspiracy Talk and the Norwegian Far Right, Patterns of Prejudice, 55, 2021, issue 4, 2021 

  • Døving, Cora Alexa: Love your Folk: The Role of Conspiracy Talk in Communicating nationalism in Hohne, F and Meireis T (Eds.):  Religion and Neo-Nationalism in Europe, Berlin: Nomos, Humbolt University, 2020 

  • Døving, Cora  Alexa and Terje Emberland: “Konspirasjonsteorier i det ytterliggående høyrelandskapet I Norge” [Conspiracy Theories in the Far-Right Landscape in Norway] in Bjørgo, T (Ed.): Høyreekstremisme i Norge. Utviklingstrekk, konspirasjonsteorier og forebyggingsstrategier [Right-Wing Extremism in Norway. Development trends, conspiracy theories and preventive strategies], report in PHS Forskning 2018:4, 2018 

  • Døving, Cora  Alexa: Islamophobia in Norway in Bayrakli, E. and Hafez F. (Eds.): European Islamophobia Report 2017, Istanbul, Washington: Set, 2018 



Tags: Religion, racism, conspirazy theories
Published Nov. 16, 2023 12:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:00 PM