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Conspiracy theories within right-wing extremism (completed)

Conspiracy theories reinforce and seek to engender fear in the population. The extent to which minority groups are encompassed by conspiracy theories and what ideas concerning Jews and Muslims are found in modern right-wing extremism are two key questions in the research conducted by the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies. 

About the project

Conspiracy theories are relevant in several of the Norwegian Holocaust Center's studies.

In a sub-project under the research project Høyreekstremisme og konspirasjonsteorier i Norge – utviklingstrekk og forebyggingsstrategier [Right-Wing Extremism and Conspiracy Theories in Norway – Development Trends and Preventive Strategies], which the Norwegian Holocaust Center conducted in partnership with the Norwegian Police University College at the behest of the Ministry of Justice, Terje Emberland and Cora Alexa Døving analysed how new conspiracy theories reinforce and seek to engender fear in the population. Two key questions were: the extent to which minority groups are encompassed by conspiracy theories and what patterns we find in the demonisation of Jews and Muslims.


  • Døving, C. A. and Emberland T. (2021): Bringing the Enemy Closer to Home: “Conspiracy Talk” and the Norwegian Far Right, Patterns of Prejudice, 55, 2021, issue 4
  • Dyrendal, A. and Emberland, T. (2019): Hva er konspirasjonsteorier [What are Conspiracy Theories], Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
  • Døving, C. A and Emberland, T. (2018): “Konspirasjonsteorier i det ytterliggående høyrelandskapet I Norge” [Conspiracy Theories and the Far-Right Landscape in Norway] in Bjørgo, T (Ed.): Høyreekstremisme i NorgeUtviklingstrekk, konspirasjonsteorier og forebyggingsstrategier [Right-Wing Extremism and Conspiracy Theories in Norway – Development Trends and Preventive Strategies] report PHS Forskning 2018:4
Tags: Minorities, conspirazy theories, conspirazy, right-wing
Published Nov. 16, 2023 12:20 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:01 PM