Norwegian version of this page

“Insisting on diversity”. An analysis of the Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL) as a political player over 20 years (completed)

The project was commissioned by the Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL). The Council has two clear purposes: To promote equal treatment of religious and life stance communities in Norway, and to promote respect and understanding among religious and life stance communities through dialogue. The assignment involved reviewing a number of cases in which the STL has played a role over the past 20 years to discover whether the development of a stakeholder-based policy has helped bring about changes in the actual political conditions for religious and life stance communities in Norway.

In a European context, the STL is unique because it involves collaboration between different religious and secular interests and because it combines dialogue relating to faith and philosophy with political engagement. The study asked whether the dialogue-based trust between groups and the development of a stakeholder-based policy had helped to change the actual political conditions for religious and life stance communities in Norway. 


Døving, Cora Alexa: Å insistere på likebehandling. Samarbeidsrådet for tros og livssynssamfunn gjennom 20 år [Insisting on diversity. The Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL) through 20 years]. STL report, 2016


Tags: politics and religion, dialog, minority rights
Published Nov. 16, 2022 11:00 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:13 PM