Jewishness. An interview - based study of Jews in Norway (completed)

From January 2011 until December 2012, the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies conducted a qualitative survey of what it is like to live with a Jewishidentity in Norway. The survey encompassed issues such as religious affiliation, attitudes totradition and identity, culture of Holocaust remembrance and personal experience ofantisemitism. Respondents were Jews aged 18–70 and living in Norway.

About the project

The project was launched in connection with the survey of thegeneral public’s attitudes to Jews that the HL-Center carriedout in the period August 2010 to May 2012. The object was tosupplement the general survey's findings with the Jewish population's own experiences, and thus deepen our understanding of the relationship between the Jewish minority and Norwegian society as a whole. The study, titled Jewishness, looked at how the Holocaust is incorporated into family history and as an aspect of Jewish identity among young Jews in Norway today.

The survey was conducted by means of individual interviews and group conversations involving two generations of the same family unit (excluding children under the age of16). The project has also gained access to video recordingsof interviews carried out by DMT Oslo (Oslo Synagogue) in connection with a qualitative survey of the Jewish minority in Oslo and Trondheim’s personal experience of antisemitism. A total of approximately 50 interviews were conducted. Interviewees were recruited from the membership of the DMTsynagogues inOslo and Trondheim, in addition to individualsnot affiliated with the DMT.



The project concluded in December 2012 with a presentationat the Litteraturhuset cultural centre in Oslo. The results maybe found in the report Det som er jødisk. Identiteter, historiebevissthet og erfaringer med antisemittisme [Jewishness. Identities, historical awareness and experienceof antisemitism]

Read the report (in Norwegian)



Tags: Identitet, Antisemittisme, Holdninger, Gruppekonstruksjon, Minoriteter
Published Nov. 16, 2022 11:30 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:14 PM