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Life-phase rites and rituals as a religious policy challenge (completed)

This research project is based on interviews with a number of communities holding different religious and philosophical beliefs, who were asked their views on the circumstance surrounding the performance of key life-phase rituals. The project was partly funded by the Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL) and was conducted in partnership with researchers from the University of Oslo (UiO).

About the project

The primary goal of the research was to identify and analyse religious policy challenges associated with religious and life stance communities, and their efforts to meet their members’ needs relating to specific life-phase rites and rituals. In addition, an assessment was made of the extent to which these challenges should be handled in light of the right to freedom of religion and belief, quite apart from the principle of equality. The study identified a number of challenges facing several life stance communities, but also a surprising flexibility in the practical interaction between practitioners and society at large.


The project’s results were published in the STL report: Livsriter som religionspolitisk utfordring, [Life-Phase Rites and Rituals as a Religious Policy Challenge] (Eds. Plesner, I. and C.A. Døving).




Tags: Life-phase rites, rituals, religious plicy
Published Nov. 16, 2022 11:20 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:13 PM