Nordic Fascism - Content, Continuities and Changes

There is a direct historical line from the fascist street marches in the 1930s to the Nordic Resistance Movement’s march through Oslo’s main streets on 29 October, 2022.



Ideas about a specific Nordic race, its external and internal enemies and the racially determined common destiny and political mission of the Nordic peoples have been central throughout the long history of fascism in the Nordic countries. With this as a starting point, fascist and far-right groups have operated across national borders, built networks, supported each other’s activities, and worked to develop a common policy.

Featuring contributions from some of the leading researchers on Nordic and international fascism, the purpose of the conference is to shed light on the character, long lines, and various manifestations of Nordic fascism. Its overarching aim is to contribute to an increased awareness of history among students, teachers and others involved in preventive work against extremism.

The conference is supported by The Fritt Ord Foundation, and is a collaboration between NORFAS, Network for Nordic Fascism Studies, and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies.

Read more about Nordic Fascism here.

Participation is free, but you must register by the deadline of February 5.
Lunch can be ordered
at the HL-senteret in advance.


The conference will be streamed on this webpage.

English language. 


Om foredragsholderne (norsk)



Publisert 30. mai 2023 09:53 - Sist endret 14. mars 2024 08:46

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