Ellen Emilie Stensrud

Head of Research and Senior Researcher
Phone +47 22 84 21 27
Mobile phone +47 92 04 66 84

Current projects:

I am leading the project Mass Atrocity Responses, which addresses topics such as resistance against human rights abuses, mass atrocity prevention, protection of religious minorities, and transitional justice. This is part of the Center's work on international minority protection and mass atrocity prevention, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I have been studying international responses to the situation for the Rohingya in Myanmar in light of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, and the role of freedom of religion or belief in minority protection.

Currently I am working on two different topics within the broader framework of responses to mass atrocities. First, I am coordinating the project “Mass atrocity resistance”, which is a research and networking project studying local actors’ strategies to resist the most serious human right abuses. Second, I am collaborating in a project, funded by NOS-HS, on small states and atrocity prevention at the UN. I am co-editor of a forthcoming special issue for the Nordic Journal of Human Rights on this topic. I have recently co-edited a special issue on atrocity prevention in Myanmar for the journal Global Responsibility to Protect

I am closely affiliated with the work of the Minority Network, coordinated by Ingvill Plesner at our center. I am also a member of the Politics after War research network.


Fields of interest:

  • Human rights abuses and mass atrocities: Resistance and prevention
  • International tribunals and transitional justice
  • Comparative genocide studies
  • South East Asia (Cambodia and Myanmar in particular)

PhD dissertation:

“Transitional Justice and the Problem of Legitimacy. A Study of the Mixed Courts in Cambodia and Sierra Leone.” 2015.



  • Stensrud, Ellen E., 2022. "The Politics of the ECCC: Lessons from Cambodia’s Unique and Troubled Accountability Effort"Just Security, 13 October.

  • Stensrud, Ellen E., 2022. “Local self-protection and resistance strategies to war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, report.

  • Stensrud, Ellen E., 2021. “The Rohingya Crisis, the Democratisation Discourse, and the Absence of an Atrocity Prevention Lens,” Global Responsibility to Protect, vol. 13 (2-3).
  • Martin Mennecke and Ellen E. Stensrud, 2021. “Myanmar and (the Failure of) Atrocity Prevention”, Global Responsibility to Protect, vol 13 (2-3)

  • Stensrud, Ellen E. og Cecilie Hellestveit, 2020. “Dommen i International Court of Justice – konsekvensene for Rohingyaene [The ICJ order – the consequences for the Rohingya].” Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, policy brief.
  • Khan, Abdul Kadir & Ellen E. Stensrud , 2020. “Bangladesh and the Rohingya crisis. The politics of pretending that the refugees will repatriate.” Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, policy brief.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie og Cecilie Hellestveit, 2020. "En knusende dom for Myanmar,"  VG 23. januar, kronikk.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2019. “Vil trosfrihetspolitikk hjelpe Rohingyaene i Myanmar?” [«Will politics of freedom of religion or belief help the Rohingyas in Myanmar?»] ”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, report.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2019. “Mass atrocity prevention: An overview of risk assessment and early warning”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, policy brief.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2019. “Involving civil society in atrocity prevention: Input from the MENA region”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, policy brief.
  • Hjeltnes, Guri og Ellen Stensrud, 2018. «Kan folkemord forhindres? [Can genocide be prevented?]», op.ed., Aftenposten, 6 September 2018. 
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2018. “The Rohingya citizenship crisis: No end in sight”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, report.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2018. “Myanmar and the West: Mind the Gap”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, policy brief.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2018. “Myanmars maktdeling og konsekvensene for Rohingyaene”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, notat.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2016. “Myanmar and the genocide debate: Why definitions matter”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, report.
  • Plesner, Ingvill T. and Ellen Emilie Stensrud, 2016. “Er minoritetsvern god realpolitik? [Is Minority Protection good Realpolitik]”, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Conference report.
  • Stensrud, Ellen, Ingvill Thorson Plesner, Cecilie Hellestveit and Kari M. Osland, 2016. “Rettighetsvern er realpolitikk [Protection of rights is Realpolitik]”, Op-Ed, VG, 30 August 2016.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2015. “Mixed Courts and the Problem of Legitimacy: A Study of the Mixed Courts in Cambodia and Sierra Leone”. Phd-thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2014. “Den kambodsjanske tragedien og kampen om oppgjøret etter Pol Pot [The Cambodian Tragedy and the Fight for Justice after Pol Pot]”, in Bernt Hagtvet, Nik. Brandal and Dag Einar Thorsen (eds.) Folkemordenes Svarte Bok [The Black Book of Genocide] (2nd edition). Oslo University Press.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2014. “Rettsoppgjør [Trials]”, in Bernt Hagtvet, Nik. Brandal and Dag Einar Thorsen (eds.) Folkemordenes Svarte Bok [The Black Book of Genocide] (2nd edition). Oslo University Press.
  • Stensrud Ellen Emilie, 2010. “Mixed justice, mixed legacy : the special court for Sierra Leone”, in Lilian A. Barria and Steven D. Roper (eds.) The Development of Institutions of Human Rights. A Comparative Study. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2009. "New Dilemmas in Transitional Justice: Lessons from the Mixed Courts in Sierra Leone and Cambodia", Journal of Peace Research, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 5-15.
  • Brandal, Nik., Ellen Emilie Stensrud og Dag Einar Thorsen, 2008. "Møtet med den massive volden [Facing Mass Violence]", in Bernt Hagtvet (red.) Folkemordenes Svarte Bok [The Black Book of Genocide] (1st edition). Oslo University Press.
  • Stensrud, Ellen Emilie, 2007. ”Rettferdighet kan straffe seg [Justice may backfire]”, Op-Ed, Aftenposten, 26 July 2007.
  • Stensrud, Ellen, 2006. “Closing the Books. Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective, Jon Elster”, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 43 no. 3, p. 352 (book review).
  • Stensrud, Ellen and Gørill Husby, 2005. ”Resolution 1325: From Rhetoric to Practice. A Report on Women's Role in Reconciliation Processes in the Great Lakes in Africa", CARE Norway in collaboration with PRIO.
  • Stensrud, Ellen, 2005. Mixed Courts: The Cambodian Case. The UN Involvement and the Prospects for a Fair Trial in Cambodia. Thesis for the degree Cand.Polit. Department of Political Science, University of Oslo.
  • Stensrud, Ellen, 2004. “The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective, Ben Kiernan og Robert Gellately (eds.)”, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 41 no. 6 (book review).



Published June 14, 2023 10:08 AM - Last modified June 15, 2023 7:33 PM